For Asl marine, in order to suffice their order book, in their f/a 05- 06, they have added $96.25M in capital expenditure. Almost immediately, their net profit for the year ended 06 is a whopping $16.8 M. Thus, the expenditure produce a roughly 17% of its net profit. Majority of these capital expenditure are on financial lease, with $8.23M worth of Tugs pledged for a loan facility if Asl needs it. Another plus point is that, they really try to minimise their debt, and mostly incurred are finance lease and the various hedges against currencies they had with other parties. A majority of their leases will be ending in another 5 years time, after which, they may either purchase their leased equipment, or re-lease a newer equipment.
In terms of ROE, lets check: Net income for the year 2006 is $23.621M and their average shareholders' equity is $121.687M. Which means Asl Marine ROE is 19.41%
1 Point i like about Asl is that they had $28.629M in positive cash flow, after all their expenditure.
In conclusion, Asl marine have conservative debt (pt 4), their ROE is 19% (pt 5), their capex is relatively average (as they are in a high capital business) (pt 6), AND they got a good positive cash flow.
Golden qns, given their current price, are they valued correctly? Their current price is $1.22 per share (as of today). Their EPS (Earning per share) is $0.10 ($23.066M/230,197,899), thus, P/E ratio is 12.2, which is really good!
Last but not least, what is the stock intrinsic value?
The first method is using the discounted earning per share method: EPS is $0.10, assume EPS grow at 10%, discount factor is 4%, the intrinsic value is $1.38
Second method is using projected cash flow method: cash flow is $28.629M, growth at 7%, and guess what!! The intrinsic value is also exactly $1.38 (first time i got both calculations with same value)
Thus, to wrap Asl marine up, is that --- this company has a good FA, a good value company to invest, however the current price may not seem attractive as it is not really at a huge discount, i.e $1.22 compared with $1.38. Maybe, when the bull fall, if Asl marine falls to $0.60 and below, make sure everyone grabs it okay? Thats all!